Improved Process Outcomes

The ZeroBlockers framework aims to optimise organisational processes by identifying and removing obstacles (blockers) to efficiency and effectiveness. It emphasises lean principles, agility, and continuous feedback to enhance the way teams work and deliver value.


Evaluation TimeThe time it takes from prioritising an opportunity until there is a validated solution, or the opportunity is deprioritised.
Lead Time to First ReleaseThe time it takes to move from a validated solution to production. This is not necessarily your finished feature but the first version that you are using to get further feedback from customers.
Lead Time to Satisfied CustomerThe time it takes to move from a validated solution to satisfied customer. This is the point that you are happy with the solution and are ready to move to the next opportunity.
Release FrequencyHow often new features are released to customers. This should be individual releases and not gamed by counting multiple different teams inputting into a single large release as multiple releases.
Change Failure RateHow often a change results in a failure in production. However, you want to ensure that you do not discourage teams to make changes. Some companies do not count a failure if the team recovers within 5 minutes.
Mean Time to RecoveryThe average amount of time it takes to recover from a failure in production. This is the time from when the failure is introduced until the system is back to normal.


Good process serves you so that you can serve your customers. By improving your processes, you can deliver value more quickly, with fewer errors, and with greater customer satisfaction. The ZeroBlockers framework helps you achieve these outcomes by identifying and removing the blocking dependencies that hurt efficiency and effectiveness.

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