Continuous Transparency

Continuous transparency refers to the ongoing practice of openly sharing information about a team's work, progress, and achievements with stakeholders and colleagues. This includes real-time updates on metrics, clear communication of current activities, and proactive sharing of results and outcomes.


The goal is to foster a culture of openness and trust, enabling informed decision-making, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring alignment with organisational objectives.


Stream Teams are autonomous and get to decide on the features that they build. But the Product Team is ultimately accountable for the success of the product. Therefore they need a way to understand what work the Stream Team is doing and how it aligns with the product strategy.


Kanban BoardVisual management tool to track progress of tasks.
Stream DashboardA dashboard that provides a high-level overview of the Stream Team's progress and performance against their key metrics.
DIBBs (Data, Insights, Beliefs, Bets)A decision-making framework that starts with data collection, moves to deriving insights, forms beliefs (hypotheses), and makes bets (actionable experiments) based on those beliefs.
OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)Objectives define the desired outcomes, and key results are the measurable steps to achieve them.
Team CharterA formal document that outlines the purpose, goals, norms, roles, and agreed-upon working methods of a team.
Research RepositoryA centralised location for storing and managing research data, insights, and findings.


Stream Team WorkspaceA centralised digital hub where Stream Teams store and manage documents and links related to the work that they are performing.
  • Centralises resources, tools, and information needed by the team.
  • Enables transparency on work and efficient operation of the team.


  • Neglect: Failing to keep the workspace updated, leading to disuse and reliance on outdated information.
  • Complexity: Overcomplicating the organisation of the workspace, making it hard for team members to find necessary information.
  • Restricted Access: Not adequately managing access rights, either by restricting necessary information from some team members or by not protecting sensitive data.

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