Automated Alerts

Automated Alerts are notifications triggered by monitoring systems within a production environment that indicate system health issues, performance bottlenecks, or failures. These alerts are designed to quickly inform the relevant stakeholders of potential or actual issues affecting the service.


Issues can arise in production environments that require immediate attention. Automated Alerts deliver immediate notification of these issues, allowing development and operations teams to respond quickly and minimise the impact on users.

Alert Triggers

Automated Alerts can be triggered by a wide range of events, including:

  • Performance Degradation: When system performance falls below acceptable thresholds.
  • Resource Exhaustion: When system resources, such as CPU, memory, or disk space, are close to or at capacity.
  • Error Rates: When the application experiences an increase in error rates.
  • Security Breaches: When security vulnerabilities or breaches are detected.
  • User behaviour: When user interactions deviate from expected patterns.


  • Over-Alerting: Configuring too many alerts, leading to alert fatigue among teams.
  • Under-Alerting: Failing to cover critical components or scenarios, risking unnoticed failures.

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