Share Knowledge Internally

Sharing knowledge internally involves the systematic dissemination of insights, learnings, and information across team members and departments within an organisation to foster a culture of openness and continuous improvement.


The primary goal is to enhance the organisation's collective intelligence, streamline processes, reduce redundancies, and innovate more effectively by ensuring that valuable information and experiences are shared and accessible to all relevant parties.


With autonomous empowered product teams, knowledge sharing is essential because there is a risk of duplication of effort and re-inventing the wheel. By sharing knowledge, teams can leverage each other's expertise, avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate the development process.


Internal WikisA central repository for storing and organising knowledge, making it easily accessible to all employees.
Internal Knowledge Sharing SessionsOrganised sessions where team members present on topics of interest, sharing new learnings and technologies.
RetrospectivesMeetings held after the completion of a feature to discuss what went well, what didn't, and what could be improved.


Useful ExperienceInsights, learnings, or best practices gained from past projects or experiences.
Community of Practice SessionsOrganised meetings where team members share insights, experiences, learnings, or introduce new technologies and methodologies.


Improved Individual ProductivityDocumentation or certification of new skills acquired through funded training.Keeps the team competitive and innovative.
Improved Product OutcomesInvestment in training can lead to higher quality deliverables and fewer defects.Improved customer satisfaction and reduced rework costs.


  • Knowledge Hoarding: Individuals or teams keeping knowledge to themselves, either intentionally or through neglect.
  • Over-Documentation: Creating so much documentation that it becomes difficult to navigate or maintain.

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