Running Surveys

Running surveys involves designing and distributing questionnaires to a target audience to collect quantitative and qualitative data regarding their experiences, preferences, and behaviours.


The goal is to gather scalable insights from a broad user base quickly, allowing teams to make data-driven decisions that align with user needs and market demands.


Interviews are very effective at uncovering motivations and triggers, but they are time-consuming and can only be done with a small number of people. Surveys are a way to gather similar information from a larger group of people.


Survey QuestionsA list of questions designed to gather the necessary data from the target audience.
Survey AudienceA list of potential participants, including their background and context.


Survey Response DataThe collected responses from survey participants.Provides quantitative and qualitative data for analysis.


  • Leading Questions: Crafting questions that bias the participant towards a certain answer.
  • Survey Fatigue: Overloading participants with too many questions, leading to lower quality responses.
  • Over-reliance on Quantitative Data: Focusing solely on numerical data without considering the context or deeper qualitative insights.

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