Collating Templates

Collating Templates involves gathering, reviewing, and organising a variety of templates that streamline the creation of documents and processes within the organisation, ensuring consistency and efficiency.


The goal is to provide easily accessible, standardised templates that assist Stream Teams in their documentation and operational processes, reducing the time and effort required to create new documents from scratch.


With Stream Teams distributed throughout the organisation there is a risk that they will duplicate efforts in creating templates for common tasks. By collating templates, Enabling Teams can ensure that Stream Teams have access to a library of standardised templates that can be easily adapted to their specific needs.


Existing DocumentsA collection of current documents used across various teams as a basis for template development.
Industry StandardsGuidelines and best practices from the industry that can inform the creation of effective templates.


TemplatesA set of standardised templates for various documents and processes.Ensures consistency and efficiency in documentation and operations.


  • Overstandardisation: Creating templates that are too rigid, limiting creativity and adaptability.
  • Poor Accessibility: Failing to ensure that templates are easy to find and use by all teams.
  • Infrequent Updates: Not regularly reviewing and updating templates to reflect changes in processes or business needs.

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