Monitoring Support and Maintenance

Monitoring Support and Maintenance involves the continuous oversight of the support status and maintenance updates for tools recommended by enabling teams and used across the organisation, especially identifying the end-of-life of tools or lack of maintenance for open-source products.


The goal is to ensure that all tools used by product teams are supported and maintained adequately to avoid any disruptions in their operations due to unsupported or outdated tools.


Software is continuously changing. Whether it is a security update or new functionality, we often need to update the tools we use to keep up with the latest standards. In addition, particularly in open source, as new alternatives emerge, older tools may become unsupported. Trying to keep on top of all these changes can be a challenge. Enabling teams can take this burden off of the Stream Teams so that the essential work of ensuring that the tools we use are secure, and reliable is performed.


Tool RecommendationsA list of tools recommended by the Enabling Teams, including open-source products and commercial tools.


Upgrade RecommendationsA list of tools that require updates or replacements due to end-of-life or lack of maintenance.Ensures tools remain secure and functional, adhering to best practices.


  • Reactive Maintenance: Waiting until issues arise or support ends before seeking alternatives or updates.
  • Inconsistent Monitoring: Sporadic or irregular monitoring of tool support and maintenance, leading to gaps in tool security and functionality.
  • Lack of Communication: Failing to communicate the importance of support and maintenance updates to product teams, which may lead to non-compliance in using updated tools.

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