Interview Snapshots

Interview snapshots refer to a structured yet flexible approach to documenting insights and feedback gathered from customer interviews.


These snapshots condense the key takeaways from interviews into a format that is easy to share and reference. This makes the insights more accessible and actionable for the team, enabling them to make informed decisions and iterate on the product effectively.


Participant InfoBasic details about the interviewee, such as photo, role, or experience level.Helps contextualise the responses and understand the perspective of the participant.
Interview DateThe date (and time, if relevant) when the interview was conducted.Essential for documenting when the insights were gathered and for tracking the progress of research over time.
High Level User Journey StepsThe main stages of the user journey the participant goes through, including triggers that prompt transitions between stages.Provides a structured overview of the user's experience, highlighting critical moments and transitions in their journey.
JTBD ForcesIdentification of the Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) forces: Push (reasons to change), Pull (the allure of the new solution), Anxiety (concerns about the new solution), and Inertia (comfort with the status quo).Offers insights into the motivational dynamics influencing the user's decision-making process and potential barriers to adoption.
JTBD MotivationsThe functional, emotional and social motivations driving the participant's behaviour or decision-making.Provides a deeper understanding of the user's underlying needs and desires, informing the design of solutions that resonate with these motivations.
OpportunitiesDirect quotes or paraphrases from the participant that highlight problems, pain points, or unmet needs.Identifies areas for improvement or innovation, directly informing potential product development opportunities.
Memorable QuoteA standout quote from the interview that encapsulates a significant insight or emotional impact.Provides a vivid, relatable snapshot of the participant's perspective, often capturing the essence of their experience or attitude.


  • Over-documentation: Including excessive details that dilute the key insights and make the snapshot less actionable.
  • Lack of Context: Failing to provide sufficient context about the participant or the interview setting, making it difficult to interpret the insights.
  • Inconsistent Structure: Varying the format or content of the snapshots, making it challenging to compare and synthesise insights across interviews.
  • Biased Interpretation: Interpreting the participant's responses through a biased lens, leading to misrepresentation of their perspective.

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