Research Plan

A Research Plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the objectives, methodologies, timeline, and resources for conducting user research. It serves as a roadmap for gathering actionable insights about users' needs, behaviours, and experiences.


The purpose of a research plan is to provide a structured approach to conducting user research, ensuring that the activities are aligned with product goals and objectives. It helps teams organise and execute research activities more efficiently, providing clarity on the scope, methods, and expected outcomes of the research.


  • Background and Objectives: Overview of the product context and specific research questions the plan aims to answer.
  • Methodology: Description of the research methods to be used, including qualitative and quantitative techniques.
  • Participants: Criteria for participant selection and recruitment strategy.
  • Timeline: Key milestones and deadlines for the research activities.
  • Resources: Budget, tools, and personnel required to conduct the research.
  • Expected Outcomes: The anticipated insights or data the research is expected to generate.


  • Lack of Specificity: Vague objectives and methodologies that do not guide focused research efforts.
  • Overambitious Scope: Planning to cover too much ground within a limited timeframe or with insufficient resources, leading to poor-quality insights.
  • Neglecting Stakeholder Input: Failing to consult with key stakeholders when developing the research plan, which can result in misalignment with business goals.

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