Reviewing Enabling Team Funding

Reviewing Enabling Team funding involves assessing and adjusting the financial support provided to Enabling Teams based on their performance, strategic alignment, and the broader ecosystem strategy.


The goal is to ensure optimal allocation of resources to Enabling Teams ensuring that the budget allocated is proportional compared to the strategic importance within the ecosystem.


Enabling Teams need time to become self-sufficient. It takes time to do the research, build the product, and get it to the Stream Teams. The funding review process is a way to ensure that the team is on track to become self-sufficient, or whether they need more time and resources to get there.


Enabling Team UsageHistorical data on the team’s outputs, outcomes, and efficiency.
Enabling Team RevenueDocumentation of the strategic goals that align with the ecosystem’s objectives.


Updated Enabling Team BudgetRevised budget plans reflecting the new funding levels.Aligns financial resources with current and future strategic goals.


  • Set-it-and-forget-it: Neglecting regular reviews and adjustments, leading to stale funding models.
  • Over-reliance on Quantitative Metrics: Focusing solely on numbers without considering qualitative impacts and team morale.
  • Politicised Funding Decisions: Allowing internal politics to influence funding decisions, which can undermine strategic alignment.

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