Designing Communities of Practice

Designing Communities of Practice involves the strategic planning and structuring of communities within the organisation that facilitate ongoing learning and knowledge sharing in specific areas of interest or need.


The goal is to ensure that communities of practice are effectively targeted to enhance skills and knowledge that are critical to the organisation's success and alignment with its strategic objectives.


Communities of practice are seen as an easy way to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration within an organisation. However many organisations fail to design them effectively, leaving the execution of them up to volunteers who may not have the time or skills to do so effectively, leading to low engagement and impact. By designing communities of practice with clear objectives, structured learning paths, and relevant content, organisations can create a powerful mechanism for continuous learning and improvement.


Skills Gap Analysis ReportReports that identify the skills gaps and training needs of team members.
Ecosystem VisionA high-level and inspirational description of where the ecosystem will be in 5 - 10 years.
Ecosystem StrategyA high-level plan for achieving the ecosystem vision within the next 1-3 years.
Product VisionA high-level and inspirational description of where the product will be in 5 - 10 years.
Product StrategyA high-level plan for achieving the product vision within the next 1-3 years.


Community of Practice CurriculumDetailed outlines of topics and learning objectives for each community.Guides the development of relevant and effective learning experiences.


  • Lack of Relevance: Designing communities that do not align with current needs or strategic directions.
  • Inadequate Support: Failing to provide sufficient resources and support for the communities to thrive.
  • Poor Communication: Ineffective communication about the existence and purpose of the communities, leading to low engagement.

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