Blogging and Content Marketing

Blogging and Content Marketing involves creating and sharing online material (such as blogs, videos, and social media posts) that do not explicitly promote a brand but are intended to stimulate interest in the company as a potential employer.


The primary goal is to engage, inform, and attract potential candidates by showcasing the company's culture, achievements, and opportunities, thus enhancing the employer brand and supporting talent acquisition.


It is very hard for candidates to identify what a company would be like to work for based on a job description alone. Blogging and content marketing provide a platform for companies to share their culture, values, and achievements, giving candidates a better understanding of the company and its people.

Content Types

Blog PostsWritten articles that provide insights, tutorials, or updates related to the product or industry.
VideosVisual content that can range from educational tutorials to product announcements.
InfographicsGraphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.


Industry InsightsCurrent trends, challenges, and opportunities within the industry.
Employee TestimonialsPersonal stories and experiences shared by employees.
Product AchievementsMilestones, case studies, and success stories related to the company's products.


Candidate PipelineAn increase in the number of qualified candidates in the recruitment pipeline.Reduces time-to-fill and cost-per-hire.


  • Over-Promotional Content: Focusing too much on promoting the company or its products rather than providing value to the audience.
  • Lack of Authenticity: Not reflecting the true company culture or values, which can deter potential candidates.

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