Decentralised Decision-Making

Decentralised Decision-Making is a process where decision-making authority is distributed throughout the organisation rather than being confined to a few top executives. It empowers individuals and teams to make decisions relevant to their work, fostering agility, innovation, and responsiveness.


The purpose of decentralised decision-making is to enhance the organisation's agility by enabling quicker responses to changes and opportunities, and to increase engagement and accountability among team members.

  • Faster decision-making and implementation.
  • Increased agility and ability to adapt to change.
  • Higher employee engagement and morale.
  • Improved innovation as ideas can come from anywhere within the organisation.


Industry Context

Information takes time to be shared and it gets corrupted as it moves up the hierarchy. This means that decisions made at the top are slow and may not always be the most informed. Decentralised decision-making allows organisations to leverage the collective intelligence of their teams and respond more effectively to market changes.

ZeroBlockers Context

Stream Teams need to be empowered to decide what features to build to meet user needs and business goals. Decentralised decision-making ensures that Stream Teams have the autonomy to make decisions within their scope, reducing bottlenecks and increasing the speed of delivery.


Teams need context and guidance to make informed decisions.

Crafting the Product VisionCollaboratively define the product vision with input from key stakeholders, ensuring alignment with business goals and customer needs.Ensures buy-in and alignment across the organisation.
Document the Product StrategyArticulating the product’s strategic direction, target market, value proposition, and key features to achieve the product vision.Provides guidelines for product development and marketing efforts.
Quarterly Objective Setting MeetingsInteractive sessions to collaboratively explore the ecosystem vision and strategy, and agree on the Product Team goals.
  • Builds shared understanding.
  • Promotes open dialogue and discussion.
  • Creates buy-in for objectives.
Crafting the Process VisionA clear, concise statement of the desired state of the development process and the principles that guide it.Provides a framework for evaluating and improving the development process.
Certify, Don't BriefA decision-making framework that empowers teams to make decisions within their scope.Ensures alignment with the product vision and strategy, while providing autonomy to teams.


  • Bottlenecks: Centralising decisions at the top, causing delays.
  • Lack of Clarity: Not defining the scope of decision-making authority clearly, leading to confusion.
  • Fear of Failure: Creating an environment where people are afraid to make decisions due to possible repercussions.
  • Over-Delegation: Failing to support teams with sufficient information or guidance to make informed decisions.

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