Crafting the Process Vision

Crafting the Process Vision involves establishing a clear, long-term vision for how the Stream Team should work to identify, prioritise, and deliver value to customers.


To create a shared understanding and direction for continuous improvement efforts, ensuring they improve the process as a whole instead of individual parts.


When working in a system with many parts, such as software development, there is a risk of well-intentioned changes actually making the process slower as a whole. This is because the parts of the system are interconnected and changes in one part can have unintended consequences in another. Defining the process vision helps to ensure that changes are made in a coordinated way that improves the system as a whole.


Research PrinciplesPrinciples that guide the research activities of the team, ensuring that they are aligned with the organisation's strategic goals and market demands.
Design PrinciplesPrinciples that guide the design activities of the team, ensuring that they are aligned with the organisation's strategic goals and market demands.
Development PrinciplesPrinciples that guide the development activities of the team, ensuring that they are aligned with the organisation's strategic goals and market demands.
Current ContextInformation about the current state of the organisation, including market dynamics, customer needs, and internal capabilities.


Process VisionA clear, concise statement of the desired state of the development process and the principles that guide it.Serves as a guiding star for decision-making and prioritisation of improvement efforts.


  • Isolated Vision: Developing the process vision in isolation, without input from key stakeholders or consideration of market dynamics.
  • Poor Communication: Failing to communicate the vision effectively across the organisation, leading to misalignment and wasted efforts.
  • Static Vision: Neglecting to update the vision in response to significant changes in strategy, market conditions, or technological advancements.

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Defining the Product Development Principles
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