Success Metrics Definition

Success Metrics Definition is the process of identifying and establishing specific, measurable indicators of success for a Value Stream. These metrics are designed to evaluate the effectiveness, impact, and performance of the work undertaken by a team against the set objectives.


The goal is to create a clear, quantifiable framework for assessing progress, value delivery, and success, enabling teams to make data-driven decisions and adjustments to their strategy and execution.


Product Teams are accountable for impact metrics, such as revenue growth, market share, or customer retention rates. But these are too lagging to provide as metrics for Stream Teams. Stream Teams need value stream metrics that they can quickly validate as they work. Outcome metrics, such as usage metrics, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction scores, are much better for value streams because they can be validated quickly and are more directly influenced by the work of the team.

The challenge for Product Teams is to identify outcome metrics that will actually influence the business impact metrics that the Product Team is accountable for. There is no perfect way of doing this. Product Teams need to make an initial assumption about what outcome metrics will influence the business metrics and then validate this assumption as the Stream Teams start delivering. Where the assumptions prove false the Product Team needs to adjust the value stream outcome metrics that the Stream Teams are working towards.

Metric Types

Effort MetricsMetrics that measure the resources, time, and costs invested in a project or initiative.
Output MetricsMetrics that quantify the tangible results of work performed, such as features delivered, products shipped, or services rendered.
Outcome MetricsMetrics that assess the results and impact of features delivered, such as usage metrics, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction scores.
Impact MetricsMetrics that evaluate the broader effects of the work, such as revenue growth, market share, or customer retention rates.


OKRsThe high-level goals and targets that the product is aiming to achieve.
Product StrategyThe overarching plan and objectives for the product, outlining the desired outcomes and key results.


Value Stream Success MetricsA document outlining the specific, measurable indicators of success for the value stream.Fosters clarity, alignment, ownership, and accountability within the team.


  • Vanity Metrics: Focusing on metrics that look good on paper but don’t truly indicate success or value creation.
  • Static Metrics: Failing to update success metrics in response to evolving product goals, market conditions, or strategic objectives.
  • Misaligned Metrics: Defining metrics that are not aligned with organisational goals, leading to efforts that do not contribute to overarching success.

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