Value Stream Success Metrics

Value Stream Success Metrics are quantitative and qualitative indicators selected by Product Teams to measure the impact of product features and functionalities delivered in a value stream. These product-level metrics are derived from broader business metrics and are tailored to reflect customer behaviours and product usage.


The purpose of defining Value Stream Success Metrics is to provide a clear and measurable way to evaluate the effectiveness of product initiatives and their contribution to business goals.

  • Align Product Development with Business Goals: Ensure that every product initiative contributes to overarching business objectives.
  • Measure Effectiveness: Provide a clear measure of how well the product features meet user needs and contribute to business success.
  • Drive Continuous Improvement: Identify areas for improvement in the product to enhance customer satisfaction and business performance.


MetricSaaS ProductsTraditional SoftwarePhysical ProductsE-commerce ProductsMobile Apps
Revenue MetricsMonthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)Annual License RevenueSales RevenueSales RevenueIn-App Purchases Revenue
Customer Retention MetricsChurn RateLicense Renewal RateReturn RateCart Abandonment RateRetention Rate
Customer Satisfaction MetricsCustomer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)App Store Ratings and Reviews
Usage MetricsActive UsersSoftware UtilisationProduct Usage RateConversion RateDaily Active Users (DAU) / Monthly Active Users (MAU)
Quality MetricsBug Resolution TimeBug Resolution TimeProduct Quality MetricsProduct Page Load TimeCrash Rate
Financial Performance MetricsCustomer Acquisition Cost (CAC)Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)Inventory Turnover RateCost per Acquisition (CPA)Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Market Reach MetricsFeature Utilisation RateFeature Utilisation RateDistribution BreadthVisitor Traffic SourcesUser Growth Rate
Feedback MetricsNet Promoter Score (NPS)Net Promoter Score (NPS)Net Promoter Score (NPS)Net Promoter Score (NPS)Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Cost MetricsCost of Goods Sold (COGS) for SaaSDevelopment CostCost of Goods Sold (COGS)Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)Development Cost


  • Ignoring Context: Defining metrics without understanding the broader business strategy and customer needs.
  • Vanity Metrics: Focusing on metrics that look good on paper but do not translate to real business value.
  • Static Targets: Setting targets that do not evolve as the product and market conditions change.
  • Data Overload: Collecting too many metrics that complicate decision-making rather than clarifying it.
  • Siloed Metrics: Metrics that are managed without cross-functional communication and collaboration.

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