Bounded Value Streams

Bounded Value Streams are segments within the overall value chain of software product development, distinctly separated by clear boundaries. These segments each encapsulate a series of steps or processes that collectively deliver a specific subset of value to the end product or service.


Bounded value streams enable the separation of code bases, teams, and processes to achieve several objectives:

  • To enhance focus by allowing teams to concentrate on specific areas of value creation without the distraction of the broader product landscape.
  • To improve efficiency by identifying and eliminating waste within isolated segments of the product development process.
  • To facilitate scalability by enabling multiple teams to work independently on different value streams without causing bottlenecks or dependencies.


Bounded Value Streams are typically represented through flowcharts or diagrams that visually delineate the start and end points of each value stream. These representations include key activities, decision points, and deliverables within the bounded context.


  • Overlap Confusion: Failing to clearly define the boundaries between different value streams, leading to overlap and inefficiencies.
  • Neglected Interactions: Overlooking the interactions between bounded value streams, which can result in gaps in the overall value delivery.
  • Static Boundaries: Setting rigid boundaries for value streams and not revisiting them as the product evolves, missing opportunities for improvement.

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