Delivering Product Demos

Delivering product demos involves presenting the product to potential or current customers, stakeholders, or broader audiences to showcase its features, benefits, and potential use cases. It's an interactive way to highlight the product's value proposition and operational capabilities.


The goal is to engage the audience, convey the product’s value, and stimulate interest or action, such as adoption, feedback, or further inquiry.


People don't care about the marketing fluff. They want to know if the product can solve their problems. Product demos provide a tangible way to demonstrate the product's capabilities and benefits, allowing the audience to see it in action and evaluate its relevance to their needs.


Live DemonstrationsReal-time presentation of the product’s features and capabilities, often allowing for audience interaction and questions.
Recorded DemosPre-recorded walkthroughs of the product, highlighting key features and use cases, accessible on-demand.


Product UpdateInformation on new features, enhancements, or bug fixes that have been implemented.
OpportunitiesThe list of customer pain points, needs, and opportunities identified through research and feedback.


Engagement MetricsData on audience engagement, questions asked, and follow-up actions taken post-demo.Helps gauge the demo's effectiveness and audience interest.


  • Feature Overload: Overwhelming the audience with too many features at once, leading to confusion rather than clarity.
  • Lack of Audience Relevance: Failing to tailor the demo to the specific interests and needs of the audience.

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Evangelising the Product
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