Training Coaches

Training Coaches is a practice designed to enhance the effectiveness of coaches by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to foster growth, facilitate learning, and encourage the continuous improvement of individuals and teams in a software development context. This practice focuses on the development of soft skills such as active listening, asking insightful questions, and assuming good intent, which are critical for building trust and driving constructive engagement.


The primary goal of training coaches is to empower coaches to be more effective in their roles, thereby enabling teams to achieve their full potential. By honing their skills in communication, empathy, and facilitation, coaches can better guide teams towards self-organisation, problem-solving, and the delivery of high-value products.


In traditional organisations, managers are more likely to adopt a directive approach, telling team members what to do rather than facilitating their own problem-solving process. In environments with self-organising teams, managers transition to a coaching role, where they support teams in making decisions, solving problems, and improving their performance. This is a big shift that requires training and development to be effective.


New ManagerA newly promoted manager who will be assuming coaching responsibilities.
Training ProgramA structured program that covers coaching techniques, ways of giving feedback, reinforcing good behaviour and problem-solving strategies.


Improved Individual ProductivityDocumentation or certification of new skills acquired through funded training.Keeps the team competitive and innovative.


  • Assuming the Solution: Jumping to solutions without fully understanding the problem or context.
  • Directive Coaching: Telling team members what to do rather than facilitating their own problem-solving process.

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