Performance Reviews

Performance Reviews are formal assessments where employees’ work performance is evaluated, typically by their supervisors, to discuss achievements and identify areas for improvement. These reviews are critical in aligning personal goals with organisational objectives, particularly in relation to product evangelism efforts.


The goal of performance reviews is to provide a structured framework for evaluating and improving employee performance. While managers should be providing continuous feedback, the more structured approach of performance reviews allows for a more comprehensive evaluation. The key objectives include:

  • Identify High Performers: To identify high-performing employees who can be further developed or promoted within the organisation.
  • Motivate and Retain Talent: To provide feedback and recognition, thereby motivating employees and increasing job satisfaction and retention.
  • Identify Training Needs: To discover areas where employees may need further development to effectively contribute to product evangelism.


  • Infrequency: Conducting reviews too infrequently, which can lead to missed opportunities for timely feedback and adjustments.
  • Lack of Specificity: Providing vague or generic feedback that doesn’t offer actionable insights.

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