
Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute, or debate reach an agreement resolving it. It involves communication, negotiation, and empathy to address and settle conflicts constructively.


The primary goal is to transform conflicts into productive discussions, fostering understanding and cooperation among team members. It aims to resolve disagreements while maintaining positive relationships and promoting a collaborative work environment.


A study by ACAS showed that workplace conflict costs employers £30bn a year. Conflict can arise from differences in opinions, values, or goals, and is detrimental to team dynamics and productivity if not addressed. Unresolved conflicts causes resentment, stress, and disengagement among team members which can lead to team attrition and poorer performing products.

Common Collaboration Styles

CompetingAn assertive and uncooperative approach, pursuing one's own concerns at the expense of others.
CollaboratingA cooperative and assertive approach, seeking to work with others to find solutions that satisfy all parties.
CompromisingA moderate approach, finding a mutually acceptable solution that partially satisfies everyone.
AvoidingUnassertive and uncooperative, not addressing the conflict directly.
AccommodatingUnassertive and cooperative, prioritising the relationship over one's own concerns.


Core ValuesThe organisation's core values and cultural norms, which serve as a guide for evaluating candidates' cultural fit.
Leadership PrinciplesThe organisation's leadership principles, which help assess candidates' leadership potential and alignment with the company's values.


Conflict Management PolicyA documented policy outlining the process for addressing, escalating and resolving conflicts within the team.Provides a structured approach to resolving conflicts constructively.


  • Avoidance: Ignoring conflict in the hope it will resolve itself or go away.

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