Promotion Processes

Promotion Processes involve the systematic evaluation and advancement of employees to higher positions based on their performance, capabilities, and the organisational needs. This practice ensures that career development opportunities are aligned with the company's strategic goals and individual aspirations.


The goal is to recognise and reward employee achievements and potential, thereby motivating staff, retaining top talent, and ensuring the right skills are in leadership positions to drive the organisation forward.


In cross-functional teams, there is a flatter hierarchy which means there is less room for vertical career progression. But there are still opportunities for promotions within the product as well as across the organisation. Promotions can be based on a variety of factors, including individual performance, leadership potential, and the strategic needs of the organisation.

Promotion Types

Team Based PromotionA person could be recognised as being a high performer and promoted to take on a higher priority or more challenging value stream.
Craft Excellence PromotionAs a person reaches the top of their craft they could be given the opportunity to mentor and coach others in their craft through Enabling Teams.
People Management PromotionPeople could choose to change career from being an individual contributor to being a people manager and promoted to a Product Team.


Performance ReviewsComprehensive assessments of an employee's performance, including achievements, contributions, and areas for improvement.
Skills Gap Analysis ReportAn assessment of the skills and competencies of employees compared to the requirements of their roles and the strategic goals of the product.


Detailed Job DescriptionsDetailed outlines of the new role, including responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications.Ensures clarity and alignment on expectations.


  • Neglecting Values: Culture is reinforced by seeing how people are promoted and rewarded. We need to ensure that we are rewarding the right behaviours.

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